How to manage anxiety during covid-19

How to Manage Your Anxiety During COVID-19.

This micropub on anxiety was created for digital and analog distribution to various health networks as a guide of practical tips to help those feel confident during the challenges of a pandemic such as COVID-19.

The core initiative was to present an easy-to-read booklet for those dealing with heightening anxiety during the pandemic. We worked in tandem with the writer and the non-profit to design and develop a plain language tool to help those in need.

The brochure also included a personal story to give a real-world example that the reader can relate to the reader, regardless of demographic and social-economic levels.

This micropub was created in English and Spanish, following health literacy design and plain language guidelines.

The micropub was broken down into sections covering various lifestyle changes to deal with panic and anxiety, such as how to handle your fears, managing news, and social media, when to seek help, along with a quick answer to the question section.

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