Citius Pharmaceuticals Re-Launch
In collaboration with Aesculapius Consulting, GV CERV Communications designed and developed a re-launch for Citius Pharmaceuticals. Citius Pharmaceuticals is a specialty pharmaceutical company dedicated to the development and commercialization of important new drug products. Citius is currently advancing three proprietary product candidates: Mino-Lok®, CITI-002 (halobetasol-lidocaine formulation), and CITI-101 (Mino-Wrap).
GV CERV was given the task to design site options and the user experience for the new site. Utilizing the WordPress platform, GV CERV created a website that would enable internal staff to make changes on an as-needed basis quickly.
The design approach was to solidify the brand both with corporate colors and utilization of subtle graphic treatments throughout the site. The product lines in development and market are featured with both an overview, justification of the medical need, clinical data, and finally investor call-to-actions.